Shrine of Sainte-Anne d'Auray

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"God wants me to be honoured here," such were the words of St. Anne Yvon Nicolazic July 25, 1624. Using this sanctuary, St. Anne invites us to discover her message and to be guided  by herself and her daughter Mary, to Christ Jesus.


The Chapel of the Immaculate east of the cloister, was first part of the seminary until 1970. It was built around 1890 according to plans by the architect of the basilica, M. Deperthes Paris.

Smooth and simple, it is a place of prayer now used for many celebrations, including the masses of the week in winter. The choir has been planning since 2010 and welcomed a new altar and liturgical furniture, designed by Jean-Jacques Bris, sculptor and blacksmith art of Aveyron.
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