Shrine of Sainte-Anne d'Auray

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"God wants me to be honoured here," such were the words of St. Anne Yvon Nicolazic July 25, 1624. Using this sanctuary, St. Anne invites us to discover her message and to be guided  by herself and her daughter Mary, to Christ Jesus.


Place of first appearance.

In Keranna, as in all the villages, the fountain was a meeting place: men and beasts watered it, there was washing clothes. By choosing the fountain as a place of its first appearance, St. Anne reminds us of the importance of source water, but above the water of baptism: as water is essential to our lives, baptism is essential to grow in faith. The water of baptism makes us children of God and St. Anne, by appearing at the fountain, invites us to return to our baptismal promises.

The statue of St. Anne overlooking the fountain is the only all over the sanctuary, which is showing his mother Marie. All others are pointing to St. Anne's daughter herself the finger points to heaven, according to the "mission" family summed up in this song: "St. Anne, Mother of Mary, lead us to Jesus."

At the fountain, then, Mary shows her mother as to give special honor in this place where she appeared for the first time for Yvon Nicolazic.

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