Shrine of Sainte-Anne d'Auray

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"God wants me to be honoured here," such were the words of St. Anne Yvon Nicolazic July 25, 1624. Using this sanctuary, St. Anne invites us to discover her message and to be guided  by herself and her daughter Mary, to Christ Jesus.

Carmelite cloister

To accommodate the pilgrims, the Bishop of Vannes, Monsignor Sebastian Rosmadec, had appealed to the Carmelite Fathers who came to St. Anne in 1628. They will live up to the task entrusted to them. They will welcome pilgrims, lead prayers, celebrate Mass, to be available for confessions. They will also be notified by the builders of the sanctuary an enclosure like the enclosure of North Finistère.

Their finest architectural achievement is the cloister, located east of the basilica, built between 1638 and 1641. It is reached by bypassing the basilica to the north or south. This is a very beautiful, majestic, sober, in which they prayed and which the faithful themselves can access. The cloister at the time of its construction under the leadership of Father Benjamin de Saint-Pierre, has two levels. The upper level reserved for religious, the choir joins the convent of the Carmelites, which is present in the gallery overlooking the great organ and the sanctuary.

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